The Orthopaedic Research Laboratory is currently offering competent and interested people an opportunity to become acquainted with research. We have several projects in areas such as “Tissue Engineering” of bone, disc and cartilage as well as cancer treatments. There are studies on several levels, which focus on either the molecular biological aspect or on the animal research aspect. Working in this department as either a research student or a PhD student involves working in a healthy and well-reputed research environment, which emphasises competent supervision, a healthy working environment, opportunity for personal expression and high international standards. At The Orthopaedic Research Laboratory we are proud of being able to work with a “bottom-up” strategy, thus letting researchers initiate new projects and strategies. The “bottom-up” strategy has been a great success, which has awarded the laboratory a great international reputation. If you have any questions you are always welcome to contact one of our researchers with a view to talking to or meeting with them, or you can contact: PhD student Casper Foldager at: |